Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween 2012 was a smashing success.

Lots of fun.

Lots of candy.

Lots of darling (and scary) children.

Lots of family.
James (12) was a scarecrow and he is wearing a costume my husband made the first year we were married.

Here Chad and I are back in 1999 as Mr. and Mrs. Scarecrow
I was about 6 1/2 months pregnant with James in this picture, and now he is wearing this costume.
I feel old.
Aren't I still in my 20's? NO I'm NOT!
How did this happen!?!?!

Clint (10) was a hippie
Ben (9) was a skeleton (he has been a skeleton every year since he was 3).
And Todd (6) is a cowboy.

We are almost recovered.
Soon the candy will be gone and then I will have to muster the courage to search under all our furniture and in all the crevices to clean out candy wrappers.


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